Fashion Design Tutorials

My Practical Skills™ Fashion Design Tutorials are designed to provide fashion designers with complete, illustrated step-by-step, fashion training in important apparel design skills and the most commonly used fashion CAD software programs in the apparel industry.

With our easy to follow fashion eBook tutorials, you'll get professional fashion design training from the comfort of your own home and learn at your own pace. From the basics to beyond, you'll learn our personal techniques that will make you a valuable asset to any apparel design company! Learn how to use Adobe Illustrator to draw and render garment sketches, use Adobe Photoshop to create textile designs and presentation boards, use Microsoft Excel to format complete apparel tech packs with spec sheets, detail sheets, and grade sheets, and learn how to measure garment specs. My Practical Skills™ Fashion Design Tutorials gives fashion designers the skills and confidence needed to compete, succeed, and excel in the apparel industry!

Adobe Photoshop for Fashion
Finally, you can learn Adobe Photoshop design software and compete with confidence in the fashion industry! With “Photoshop for the Fashion Industry” ebook training you’ll become familiar with all the tools and features of Photoshop, and learn the techniques you need to create dynamic CAD fashion design projects for the real world.
105 votes, average: 3.37 out of 5105 votes, average: 3.37 out of 5105 votes, average: 3.37 out of 5105 votes, average: 3.37 out of 5105 votes, average: 3.37 out of 5
(105 ratings)
Adobe Illustrator for Fashion
Finally, a comprehensive and easy way to learn this confusing CAD design program. Covering beginner and intermediate levels of design, this ebook and exercise files cover every tool and feature used regularly in the fashion industry. With our Adobe Illustrator training and some practice, you can easily master the skills needed to create detailed fashion flats, CAD presentations and other industry standard design projects for the real world.
343 votes, average: 4.20 out of 5343 votes, average: 4.20 out of 5343 votes, average: 4.20 out of 5343 votes, average: 4.20 out of 5343 votes, average: 4.20 out of 5
(343 ratings)
Microsoft Excel for Fashion
Knowing how to use Microsoft® Excel is a must for any fashion industry career since it is used in all phases from design, to production, and even sales. If you don’t know how to use Microsoft Excel, or if you only know how to enter data, it’s time to update your skills. With our eBook tutorials, you’ll learn how to use Excel for the Fashion Industry.
133 votes, average: 3.95 out of 5133 votes, average: 3.95 out of 5133 votes, average: 3.95 out of 5133 votes, average: 3.95 out of 5133 votes, average: 3.95 out of 5
(133 ratings)
Adobe Illustrator Advanced
Now there’s an easy way to learn how to use Adobe Illustrator to create your own custom swatches and brushes! With the interactive tutorials in the “My Practical Skills: Adobe Illustrator Advanced Techniques” ebook, you’ll learn to define your own swatches, and generate seamless print repeats for textile designs. You’ll also learn to create customized Illustrator brushes to quickly represent topstitching, trims, binding, ruffles, gathers and other garment details that would otherwise be tedious to sketch individually. Applying these Illustrator techniques to your fashion design projects will save you time and increase your productivity.
372 votes, average: 4.24 out of 5372 votes, average: 4.24 out of 5372 votes, average: 4.24 out of 5372 votes, average: 4.24 out of 5372 votes, average: 4.24 out of 5
(372 ratings)
How to Spec a Garment
Knowing how to measure clothing is one of most important skills an apparel designer can have. Our “How to Spec a Garment” eBook, will prepare you with the skills you need to spec any type of garment. You’ll become familiar with common points of measurement for apparel, giving you the confidence you need to stay ahead in the competitive fashion industry. (Includes Apparel Tech Pack Templates!)
256 votes, average: 3.96 out of 5256 votes, average: 3.96 out of 5256 votes, average: 3.96 out of 5256 votes, average: 3.96 out of 5256 votes, average: 3.96 out of 5
(256 ratings)